Monday, November 17, 2014


Over the past couple months we’ve provided you with several new technology products on the market. We hope you have had just as much fun reading our blog has we have had writing it.  Having a technology based major, sometimes you forget to keep up on the most recent technology products and news. It was a blast trying to find new and innovative products to bring to you that you wouldn’t normally find. As well as giving our research and opinions on the most talked about products on the market. It made us realize the importance of knowing what current products are out on the market and doing our research to make sure we get the best products available.

Logging off,
Matt, Sydney, and Ben

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Raspberry Pi

Looking into learning programming or teaching younger generations how to program?  The Raspberry Pi is here to help! The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit – card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse.  It was developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of stimulating the teaching of basic computer science in schools. The Raspberry Pi teaches programming languages like Scratch and Python.  When first looking at a Raspberry Pi, one might think that it isn’t capable of doing much but in reality it can do everything your desktop computer can do from browsing the internet, playing high- definition video, creating spreadsheets, and playing games. This device also serves as an excellent hacking tool.

According to the Raspberry Pi website, “The idea behind a tiny and affordable computer for kids came in 206, when Eben Upton, Rob Mullins, Jack Lang and Alan Mycroft, based at the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory, became concerned about the year-on-year decline in the numbers and skill levels of the A Level students applying to read Computer Science.” (About us)  From the time of the invention of computers to present, people have been interacting with computers.  Instead of programming, students learn more how to interact with Microsoft software like Excel and Word and not many progress to learn the fundamentals of programming.  The first Raspberry Pi has sold over three million Raspberry Pi’s since their first release in February 2012.    

The newest models available are the Raspberry Pi Model A+ and the Raspberry Model B+.  The Raspberry Pi A+ model is significantly smaller (55mm by 65mm) than the lesser models.  It also inherits the many improvements that were made to the Model B+. The A+ model consumes significantly less power than model B which is a good choice for battery powered ventures, like robots.  Both the A+ and B+ models contain 512MB of RAM memory and use a Linux based operating system.   The A+ and B+ model also share another useful feature:  they both have 4USB ports compared to only 2 on the A model.  Raspbian is the recommended operating system which is similar to Risc OS, Android and Pidora.

You don’t have to be an expert programmer to use the Raspberry Pi.  There are several instructional videos online on how to use the credit card size computer.  The Raspberry Pi website also hosts Raspberry Jams to help share and expand knowledge.  The website also contains a help tab with helpful links to starting using your Raspberry Pi.  So if you or someone you know is looking to learn more about programming then this is an inexpensive way to learn.

Signing out,

"About Us." Raspberry Pi N.p., n.d. Web. 16, Nov, 2014
Images taken from Google Images

Monday, November 10, 2014

Obama in Favor of Net Nuetrality

Obama has decided to step up and put in his opinion regarding net neutrality. Overall the President has stated that he would like the FCC to decide in favor of keeping net neutrality. This way the Internet will remain equally free and open to all consumers throughout the country. Having the President on the side of keeping net neutrality isn’t a guarantee though since the FCC is an independent agency and they will ultimately make the decision.

Obama has asked the FCC to classify the Internet as a public utility, like water and electricity. This means putting Internet under Title 2 of the Telecommunications Act, which would give the Internet a multitude of regulatory protections. The President has four points that he would like to be guaranteed. The four points include; no blocking, no throttling, increased transparency, no paid prioritization. These four points are what will be guaranteed if the Internet is put under Title 2 of the Telecommunications Act. The Act was put in place in 1934, which seams old for the Internet to be applied to, however the Act is there so that consumer don’t end up having to pay ridiculous prices for the use of services essential to their daily lives. This is another point the President specifies, the Internet for most all Americans has become an essential part of their everyday lives. There is still some controversy in Obama’s statement that concern some, controversy’s involving the wording that may suggest the Internet may not be under full protection the Act, however it will still be under a large portion of it.

There has been a lot of talk about net neutrality lately and the idea of having to pay for “faster” Internet is unbearable to some, but the fact that the President is on the side of having the Internet remain a free and open utility where ISP’s don’t have the power to decide your speed or what sites a person visits is awesome. 4 million have spoken out and voiced their opinion to the FCC in the FCC’s largest public involvement in its regulations ever, and it’s a powerful thing that the President of the United has heard those 4 million and is willing to help out as well. As mentioned earlier just because Obama is on board doesn’t mean the day is saved, but it is a very big step for the movement of net neutrality.

Logging Off,


Monday, November 3, 2014

Microsoft Fitness Band Review

Improving one’s health and fitness with the help from technology has opened the market new devices to emerge.  Microsoft is one of the companies who came out with a band that can help you improve your health and more.  On October 30 of this year, Microsoft released its Microsoft Band that is truly a fitness band with smart features.

 Microsoft’s smart band contains several everyday features which can help keep track of your everyday activity level.  These include tracking your heart rate 24/7, tracks your steps and determining the quality of sleep you have.  Once the wristband locks in, it’s easy to instantly see your heart activity.  The new band also helps you find out which exercises burned the most calories during your workout.  It can also tell you how much time your body needs to recover before your next training session.

The Windows Band has a built in GPS for those avid runners/walkers or those looking a GPS watch with more features.  You can go jogging without a phone and it’ll track your data, map your run and tell you how intensely you ran when you sync with your phone. Microsoft claims that the band has a 5 hour GPS batter life, or 48 hours of other activities.

A unique feature that one wouldn't see on any other competing smart bands is that the Microsoft Band contains a UV sensor.  This sensor tells you how much sun you’re getting so you can make sure that you are not getting too much sunlight! 

The band currently goes for $199 and works on Android, iPhones and of course Windows Phones.  If you’re using a Windows phone, then you also have access to Cortana.  This will allow you to set reminders, take notes and give you traffic notifications. These notifications will also show up on your phone along with your band. Cortana will also give you updates on sports, stocks, weather and more.  All data gathered from these activities mentioned are stored in Microsoft’s cloud.  Microsoft Band allows you to view emails, calendar alerts, text messages, and incoming calls at a glance.  Unfortunately you will not be able to send text messages or place calls.

The Microsoft Band will have competition with the release of the Apple Watch coming early 2015. The Apple Watch will only be compatible with the Apple iPhone 5 and above.  Apple’s heart rate monitor does not calculate your heart rate 24/7 like the Window’s Band instead the heart rate feature will have to be accessed manually.  Unlike the Windows Band, it allows you to send messages and phone calls.  The Apple Watch will use the Apple Pay so that you no longer have to use your cards.  Siri will be used for the personal assistant on the Apple Watch.  This is a general overview of the features that will be available on the Apple watch.  For more on the Apple Watch feel free to go to their website AppleWatch.

Is it worth the wait for the Apple Watch? It depends on the user and what you are looking for in a sports band.  Both the Microsoft Band and Apple Watch have several great features that can fit well with any lifestyle.
Signing out,

Images taken from Google Images

Monday, October 27, 2014

The 'Exoglove' and Virtual Reality

When we think about the senses we use to interact with and perceive a virtual world (such as a movie or a video game), we generally only consider the ability to see and hear as our ways of interacting with that world. However, one Chinese robotics start-up is trying to add a third sense to virtual interactions: touch. The start-up, named Dexta Robotics and based in Shenzhen, China, has developed and demonstrated a so-called "exo-glove" that provides force feedback to the wearer.

The glove, dubbed Dexmo, is designed to motion capture palm movements and lets you feel objects in a virtual environment. It accomplishes this through force feedback, meaning when your fingertips collide with something virtually, the device will prevent your fingers from moving any further, as if you had just touched a solid object.

When thinking about the applications for this technology, the first logical jump is to gaming, as it would give players a more interactive experience. With the advent of the Oculus Rift system (set to release commercially in 2015) developed by Oculus VR, Virtual Reality or VR technology in gaming has become increasingly in vogue. The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality head-mounted display that visually immerses the user into the virtual world.

The Oculus Rift debuted as a prototype in 2012 and raised $2.4 million in crowd-funded money, displaying the public interest in VR technology. Investors are also interested in the tech as the Oculus VR company was acquired by Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg in March of 2014 for $2 billion.

As you can see, the popularity of virtual reality gaming would make touch feedback a valuable technology. However, this technology has applications outside of just gaming.

On the Dexta Robotics' Kickstarter page, they detail other uses for the product. One such use is interacting with or controlling robots. You would be able to control a robotic hand or arm and have a better sense of presence when working in difficult environments. Having this ability with robots could be useful in a manufacturing setting or perhaps for use in defusing bombs!

Another ability of the Dexmo is the ability to interact with and control RC devices.  Dexmo has 11 channels of analog output so it could be used to control smart household devices like lighting or TV. It can interact with computer programs as well and could be used for music production or making digital art. One very practical potential use demonstrated by the creators is the ability to translate sign language.

As you can see, virtual reality and more specifically the ability to touch in virtual reality, has numerous practical applications. As VR technology becomes more popular, I am sure research and development in the area will continue to grow and create uses for the technology that we may not have even though of yet!

Logging off...


Images taken from Google Images.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Smart Lock

Throughout the past decade we humans have been able to upgrade a lot of existing technology to do better and more efficient things. A classic example of this is the telephone, going from only having phones in the home to everyone having a mobile phone in their pocket. It seems that there will always be something to upgrade, a company known as August demonstrates this with their unique smart lock that is easy to install and use.

The August smart lock replaces a customer’s interior deadbolt hardware and runs on two double A batteries. After the customer downloads the August app onto their phone they can unlock the door with their smart phone! The App works with a users contact list and the user is able to send out keys to friends, family, and anyone else they desire to have access and then they can unlock the door. Users also have the option to give access to the lock for a certain time frame for example a day or a week.

Since the lock only requires the replacement of the interior side of the deadbolt, the key on the exterior side of the door will still work just fine, in case the locks batteries get low. The lock connects to a users phone via Bluetooth instead of the internet which means there is low risk involved with unwanted guest acquiring access to the lock. August also has a couple features in beta known as Auto-Unlock and EverLock. Auto-Unlock will be able to know when a customers phone is near and will automatically unlock the door without the customer having to reach for their phone. The other feature EverLock will work similarly to Auto-Unlock, the smart lock will lock itself after a customer has left, again without the customer having to use their phone.

One of the main advantages that the August smart lock has over it’s competitors is the easy installation. Other smart locks on the market right now require the customer to drill a bigger hole into the door so that the lock will fit. This means that if a customer were to ever move the original deadbolt would not fit back into the bigger hole made for the smart lock. This essentially comes down to the customer having to leave the lock at the old house and losing the investment. With the August lock as mentioned early the customer only needs to replace the interior hardware. This means that if a customer moves they can easily put the original deadbolt hardware back and take their August smart lock with them to their new home.

The August smart lock is a cool upgrade to the deadbolts that we all grew up with and is a perfect example that there is always a way to improve or do something different.

Logging Off,


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Siri vs Cortana vs Google Now

Siri was the first voice activated “personal assistant” that came with the iPhone 4s and blew the other smart phones out of the water.  Over the years the voice recognition systems have become a necessity on all smartphones.  But does Siri still dominate the voice recognition field like it used to? 
            Cortana is Window’s new personal assistant that provides major competition on Apple’s Siri.  Cortana’s voice is based off of the Halo character which can be a huge perk to some who adore the game.  Another big competitor for Siri is Google’s voice recognition engine called Google Now.  Google Now is available through the Google App in the Apple App store and can be installed on many devices.  Whereas Cortana is only available on Window’s phone’s with the 8.1 software update.
What stands out for Cortana is her ability to set reminders for you.  Another perk is that she can set nicknames for your inner circle so instead of asking your voice recognition system to text someone by their full name, you can just say “text dad”.  Cortana also offers Quiet hours for when you don’t want anyone disturbing you.
Google main advantage is its ability to gather information.  Google Now can define words and objects, is aware of your bookings, provides flight data, and will give you an overlook of how your favorite sports team is doing. It'll also tell you about important landmarks if asked, break down food data like calories, carbs, and salts, and recite the cast of your favorite movie or TV show and its theme song.   According to “To be fair, Siri and Cortana won't disappoint you if asked the same, it's just that they don't do as great a job in our opinion, as, in comparison, their answers are usually less extensive and will often have you read the information for yourself (especially Cortana), as if you're performing a normal search.” ("Google Now vs Siri vs Cortana: Showdown)
Though Google Now may excel in obtaining data from searches, Cortana excels tremendously in one area, and that’s having a soul and being fun.  Cortana will sing for you, tell you jokes, and even chit chat.  Siri will also learn to better pronounce your name, and is aware of your birthday.  Google Now has more of a nonsense give me the facts type of attitude.
Overall, it depends on what you want in a voice recognition engine.  If you really want a phone with a personality that you can interact with then phone’s that provide Siri or Cortana should be your choice.  If you’re main focus is in the way that your phone obtains data then Google Now would be preferred.
            Personally, I have a Window’s phone and have been loving Cortana.  Having her set reminders has helped a lot for my daily scheduling and her quiet hours are very helpful to avoid distractions.  I have introduced Cortana to peers with iPhones and no one hasn’t been impressed with what these new voice recognition systems can do.  Unfortunately, I have not been able to interact much with Google Now.  So when looking for a new phone consider the voice recognition system that comes with it to see if it accommodates your lifestyle.

Signing out,

“Google Now vs Siri vs. Cortana: Showdown” Phone Arena N.p., n.d Web 14 Oct 2014