Thursday, September 4, 2014


Hello everyone,
Welcome to our blog!  We are Ben Wirzbach, Matt Patchen, and Sydney Wilkins.  The purpose of this blog is to discuss current subjects and issues relating to the tech industry, all by the warm glow of the server room.  Comments and discussion are encouraged!

Before we get started, we should probably start with some introductions...

I am Ben Wirzbach from Dubuque, Iowa.  I am a part time student at John Deere working in their Manufacturing Engineering Department.  I am currently a senior at the University of Northern Iowa majoring in Management Information Systems.  At the University of Northern Iowa I am a part of the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon.   

I am Matt Patchen and I was born and raised in Mason City, Iowa.  I am in my fifth year at the University of Northern Iowa pursuing degrees in Management Information Systems and Economics and I will be graduating in May of 2015.  I am a huge football nerd (Skol Vikings!) and I also enjoy cycling, reading, and video games.  I currently work at John Deere in Waterloo as a part-time student in the Quality Systems department.

My name is Sydney Wilkins and I was born in Spring Grove, Illinois.  My major is Management Information Systems with a certificate in Computer Applications.  My anticipated graduation is May 2015.  After graduation I hope to obtain a job as a business analyst.  My interests are running and running.  I have even completed two half marathons and a full marathon through college.  I will be completing my third half marathon on September in Decorah, Iowa.  My current occupation is at John Deere as a part time student in the PDP engineering department.
We hope you will enjoy all our wonderful posts to come.

Logging off...

Ben, Matt, & Sydney

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